Just a quick post because we’re a little bit excited
One of our photos is now on Forbes.com!!
This one:
Recently we have been promoting our photography through a number of websites online and some photos have even gone ‘viral’ to a certain degree.. Gaining over 1 Million impressions. (Yes, OVER A MILLION!)
We decided to do a quick ‘google reverse-image search’ (Which is where you give google a picture and ask it to find where it is all over the internet) to see where a few of them might have ended up being featured. I saw literally 1000’s and 1000’s of shares of this photo on social media platforms such as tumblr.
Then one particular result caught our eye, a Forbes.com Article!

Considering forbes is one of the top publishing websites in the world, we would consider this a win! At the time we checked, the article had over 142,000 views!
In any case, what we have taken away from this experiment so far is this; If you are willing to put yourself and your work out there, you never know where it might go! We will be continuing to put our work out there and have a mission to rise to the top of a few popular websites. One in particular is Pexels.com (where you can download some of our photos for FREE!). We are currently well into the TOP100 of all time and rising our ranking fast!
More at:
Pexels.com (Free Photos)
500px (license our photos)