It’s a fact.. some books are great and some books suck! But then every now and then you find a Unicorn. A Unicorn book so full of great content you just can’t put it down; where the pages seem to turn themselves and you need to buy a new highlighter pen because the current one just ran out!
In this post I will discuss which books I believe have had the greatest impact on me or helped the most in regards to business and business mindset. These are merely my personal opinions and yours may differ, we are humans after all!
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NOTE: For every book which made this list, there are at least 10-20 which didn’t and I hope to add to this list over time as I read more and more great books.
#1: The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing By Al Ries
This was one of the first business books I ever read and to this day remains to be one of my absolute favourites. It’s a short, easy to read, insanely content-rich gem which I think absolutely everyone who is thinking of going into business for themselves should read (yes, even if you have no interest in ‘marketing’) You can get through it in a couple of hours, it will change your life and mindset instantly. I recommend re-reading at least parts of it before launching any new product or venture.
Get it here:
Read My Full Review Here: **Review coming soon!**
#2: The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
I’ve spoken about how important reading this book is in multiple interviews for blogs and Podcasts. Pretty much everyone on the planet has read it (I believe it has sold around 20 million copies in over 20 languages at last count). Despite the title this book is really about how to maximise your out-put versus how much time you spend on your business, not just work less hours! It’s a perfect in-depth dissection of the 80-20 principle -also known Paleto’s Law- with many case studies, examples and easy-to-follow actionable steps to transform your business and life. I have read this book more times than any other business book and every time I learn something new. It’s a fun read.
Get it here
Read My Full Review Here: **Review coming soon!**
#3: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
Win the morning, win the day. Just about every great leader, business person, or individual society would like view as a success has a morning ritual of some sort. They have at least one or more tasks which they habitually perform first thing in the morning before starting the day, every day. This book will teach you how to have your own morning ritual and the improvements on your life will be nothing short of astounding. It’s a quick, excellent read.
Get it here:
#4: Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
Despite the corny, cheesy potentially off-putting title, this is actually a great book. I bought it because I heard a podcast interview Harv did [link ‘Harv did’ to James Altucher Podcast interview] and put off reading it for a few months because of the title, but I wish I’d read it sooner! It’s a great book about mindset and how to use it to create the life and business you really want, not just what society or your old way of thinking wants you to do. It will help debug some myths about money, mindset and wealth management. You will also likely look at how and with whom you spend your time more closely. It’s a relatively short and easy read.
Get it here:
Read My Full Review Here: **Review coming soon!**
Honourable Mentions:
Traction by Gabriel Weinberg
Traction is a book aimed primarily at new businesses and ‘startups’. It claims to teach you an applicable methodology which can take you from 0-success and potentially far beyond, and I agree. It’s a book which does what the title says; it gives you plenty of examples and methods for generating traction in your chosen market in today’s world. It boasts about 20 different categories/traction methods many of which are low cost or even free. I think it’s a great read for anyone in business as you will almost certainly discover a method for reaching customers you hadn’t yet thought of.
Get It Here:
Read My Full Review Here: **Review coming soon!**
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Just about everyone in business has read this book so I won’t harp on about it. I probably learned only one thing from this book, which was how to actively listen to people. That one core skill can turn strangers into acquaintances and acquaintances into friends/clients/fans/lovers very quickly. It’s been popular for over 50 years and that doesn’t happen by accident.
Get it here:
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